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A multi-platform experience for new students to browse, search, and propose new student organizations.


This is a google design exercise. For the design exercise three possible challenges are given. I picked the exercise that allowed me to showcase the broadest set of my skills and that aligned most to my personal interests. Here's the prompt:

"Design an experience for new students to browse, search, and propose new student organizations. Provide your overall process, a wireframe flow, and one to two screens at higher fidelity."


  • Primary Needs: 
    • Encourage students to join 

    • Easy to rank organizations closely to primary interest​

    • Clear organization names

    • Concise introduction bio

    • Website/blog links

    • Tags to quick search​

  • Secondary Needs: ​​
    • Upcoming events

    • Membership requirements

    • Meeting times

    • Photos of organizations activities 

    • Suggest related organizations students might be interested in 

    • Proposal for new organization​

  • Filters
    • Majors

    • Career Services

    • Sports

    • Cultural/International

    • Student Affairs

    • Health and Wellness

    • Political & Social Action

    • Religious

    • Visual, Literary & Performing Arts

    • Student Engagement

  • Students approach to join the organizations: I conducted informal interviews with about 20 students who were involved in school organizations in which provide me insights of their approach to join clubs and organizations on campus​​. 
    • Friend's recommendations

    • Words of mouth

    • Seeing group of friends already participate in an organization 

    • Older siblings recommendations

    • Career fairs

    • Organization flyers

  • Discouragements: Additionally, I interviewed fellow students who are not involved in any clubs and organizations and the reasons behind that are: 
    • Doesn't know anyone in the organizations

    • Inconsistent in platforms. Some organization use facebook, some use their own websites or university platform to inform students about their activities. 

    • Lack of awareness

    • No interesting events

    • Clubs and organization often doesn't update regularly 

    • Club fair doesn't happen often (2x/year at my university) 

Identify the problem

Before I start to solve anything, I analyzed the issue at hand and break it down to components which make apps and sites for student to find clubs inaccessible and non intuitive. 

We want to make it easier for students to browse, find and propose club yet the way students actually find clubs are through humans connections (friends/family). The underlying problem is that student aren't extrinsically motivate to join or even propose if they think they're the only person interested. As I discovered in the research phase, existing medium to find organizations often times only serve the purpose for organization to post basic information, newsletter and events. It's one-sided and non interactive. 

Why students aren't using tools to find activities? Because students are looking to join clubs through un-motivating,  disassociating platforms. 

Solving the problem

Get students to be join clubs and propose new ones. 

This will be achieved through these 2 goals:

  1. Create a community sense to motivate students to join existing clubs

  2. Easy access to propose new clubs, submitting directly to school administration

Concept Development

Many students are joining clubs and organization because they are extrinsically motivated by close contacts like friends and family. Thus I want to create a platform where they are able to see their connections activities in clubs and organizations, acting as a social network serving students to connect and explore campus activities. Through my research, I found multiple platform that utilize this type of model to appeal to their targeted audiences. I  analyzed the strength in order to serve my product development

  •  Facebook Events

    • Suggest events nearby

    • Suggest events your friends response to

    • Suggest events by pages/organization you liked 

  •  Handshake 

    • Suggest jobs popular in your majors

    • Suggest jobs according to the ones you starred or applied to

    • Show comments by verified students who worked at company where the job listing was posted 

    • Show trending questions about careers, majors,..

  • Venmo

    • Create a community feed of friend's transactions 

    • Allow reactions to response to friend's activites

Target Users

Design Goals

Tasks Flow

New students looking for clubs and organization to join/propose

To create a interactive platform that would allow users to find clubs according to their interest by using keywords, search categories & tags. Using users social media to suggest organization their friends and family are participating in. 

Additionally, this would be a platform for clubs to interact with members, prospective members by posting and advertising their events. 

Some highlight features and functionalities of this app would include:​

  • The ability to sign up with your school ID & social media accounts.

  • Search organizations by using keywords or areas of interests. 

  • Display friends' activities, recommendations and comment for clubs they're in.

  • Direct message clubs and organizations for question

Through our observations on aforementioned platforms, I built a sitemap to organize functional information and to clearly outline interactions of screens in-app.

Screen Shot 2019-03-19 at 23.51.07.png

Hi-fi Prototypes


made in seattle, wa

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