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river litter

River Litter is a fully functional iOS game that deliver fun, exciting experiences while educate its player on environmental issues and raise aware on the issue, specifically in the Pacific Northwest.

Problem Statement

Pacific Northwest is best known to have gorgeous nature. However, in 2016, Puget Sound and the Duwammish River was ranked as one of the top ten of “America’s Most Endangered Rivers”.  We experience that educates players in learning more about pollution in our water systems.


How do we stand out as there have been multiple trash collecting games existing on the market?​​​​​​​


What the competitors are lacking ...

  • Lack educational assets

  • Lack of visually interesting design

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Solutions :

  • Include clear educational facts to raise awareness about environmental issues 

  • Attractive, User-friendly Interface. Our main objective is to educated our players but we kept in mind the fact that in order to attract audience, it must also look good. We discussed as a group and came to mutual agreement that we want our game to have a pixelated look, inspired by games like Crossy Road & Tiny Towers.

  • Additional Sound Tracks. As River Litter is a game, we feel like it would not be complete without sound thus I decided to create original sound tracks by using Garage Bands. It is rudimental but enough to transform the experience.

User flow & final design

Game Play
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  •  Players greeted with colorful introduction screen of Seattle sky line. Two options are prompted - Start or Score. 

Sound track
  • Before game starts, player is prompted with instructions on how to play the game. 

  • Playing screen includes live Lives & Score tabs to inform player their stats

  • Player move the boat freely with gesture from left to right to collect trash. 

  • When Lives reaches 0, Game Over Screen appears, follows by facts screen.

High scores
Educational facts
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  • Randomized educational facts about the environment will be provided in this screen. User will be prompted to go to high score after. 

  • High scores 



My role in this project was purely UX/UI Designer. In order to bring it all into life in such a short time period, my team mates worked tirelessly to develop this fully functioning version on XCode. Visit their sites to learn more about River Litter from the developing side

Christian Ignacio

made in seattle, wa

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